American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得
American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得,真的不錯,人氣蠻不錯,看完後有一種說不出的感動!
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American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: American Insp博客來書店iration is a motivating and sophisticated four-level English course that takes teenage ss from beginner to a high intermediate level. The material evolves with its ss and the different topics reflect teenagers' changing needs and interests.
The Key Feature Include:* Topic-Led Syllabus:The cross-curricular syllabus, informed by research in high schools, offers a wealth of stimulating materials relevant to the students' lives. Special Culture lessons build cross-cultural awareness and encourage discussion.
* Clearly Structured Grammar:Grammar is presented through engaging texts and dialogues. Controlled practice then leads to fluency activities where students apply the grammar in communicative situations.
博客來網路書店* Skills Development:博客來Skills work is present throughout. Each unit also includes a dedicated Integrated Skills lesson. Writing is developed progressively and learner independence tasks encourage students to 'learn how to learn'.
博客來網路書局* Inspiration Extra:These consolidation and extension activity spreads at the end of each unit are designed for mixed-ability groups. They offer creative project work, authentic songs, games, and skits to act out.
American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Amanda Bailey/Susannah Mckee
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/02/11
- 語言:英文
American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得 評比 博客來網路書局
American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得
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American Inspiration (3) Teacher’s Edition with CD-ROM-1片特惠價心得