Macmillan(Intermediate)- Dr. No更便宜
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內容簡介: There have been several strange deaths on this island, which the local people blame on a mysterious and terrifying 'dragon'. Bond decides to pay a secret visit to the island. 博客來But he is not the only person to land there.
Macmillan readers, one of the best-known and most widely used series of simplified graded readers for learners of English in the world has a brand-new look and titles. Stories in this series are specially written, or are retold versions of internationally well-known works of classical or contemporary fiction. Titles are carefully chosen and placed within the 7-staged language scheme that complies with commonly organized syllabi.
Macmillan(Intermediate)- Dr. No更便宜 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Ian Fleming
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2008/04/28
- 語言:英文
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幽默改變一生 | 會議123:這樣開會最有效 | 1分鐘說動人心 | |||
破壞感情的45句蠢話 | 銀座媽媽桑說話術 | 你就是說話高手 |
Macmillan(Intermediate)- Dr. No更便宜