Macmillan(Intermediate)- Tess of d’Urbervilles主打商品

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Macmillan(Intermediate)- Tess of d’Urbervilles主打商品 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Macmillan(Intermediate)- Tess of d’Urbervilles主打商品 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: * The Pit and The Pendulum
A prisoner wakes up to find himself in a dark cell with a deep pit.

* The Gold Bug
A golden insect leads to an incredible discovery.

* The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar
A patient is hyponotised minutes before he dies. Is he really dead?

博客來書店* The Fall of the House of Usher
A man visits an old friend and finds himself in a house full of horors.

博客來* Down in the Maelstorm
A sailor describes a terrifying trip through the malestorm

* The Masque of the Red Death
No one can escape the red death-not even a prince

* The Oblong Box
A traveller boards a sh博客來網路書局ip to New York. What does he carry in the oblong box?

Macmillan readers, one of the best-known and most widely used series of simplified graded readers for learners of English in the world has a brand-new look and titles. Stories in this series are specially written, or are retold versions of internationally well-known works of classical or contemporary fiction. Titles are carefully chosen and placed within the 7-staged language scheme that complies with commonly organized syllabi.

Macmillan(Intermediate)- Tess of d’Urbervilles主打商品 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2008/04/28
  • 語言:英文

Macmillan(Intermediate)- Tess of d’Urbervilles主打商品 評比 博客來網路書局

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